Friday 25 February 2011


Well, the original Shakespeare was ‘Wine, women and song’. Then in the 80’s Ian Drury sang ‘Sex and drugs and rock ‘n’ roll.’ Let this blog be my own take on alternate lifestyles…boyz, booze and beatz!
I’m a fifty-year old acupuncturist. That’s still kinda young for my work. I’m a fifty-year-old deejay. That’s kind of old for that hobby. I’m a fifty year old gay man. In the West I’d feel over the hill but in Malaysia my age seems to make no difference to how young guys treat me. I’m married to my darling Billy.
I want to write about music…I want to write about sex…I want to write about drugs….i want to write about how much I enjoy life….I want to write about love…and how I got to this place I’m at now…Welcome to my blog…


  1. I will be your number one reader. So keep this going...

  2. n I'll be your number two!! great posts so far!!!

  3. Thank you both for your kind comments...

    I'll see what I can do!


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